Certifications | CERTIFICA MINAS /S+ |
Município | CARMO DE MINAS |
Total Area | 25 HA |
Area with Coffee | 17 HA |
Average Altitude | 1200 M |
Number of Bags | 6 |
Storage Location | COCARIVE |
Preparation Method | CEREJA DESCASCADO |
Screen Size | 14/15   |
Type | 2/3 |
Altitude | 1100  M |
Score (SCAA Standard) | 85 |

Sítio da Torre is located in a region called Mantiqueira de Minas (DO), which is internationally recognized for the quality of its coffees, with an exceptional climate and the beauty of its mountainous scenery, with coffee crops ranging from 1,100 to 1,300 meters of altitude, where they find the ideal conditions for the production of specialty coffees. A set of soil, climate and altitude, combined with the centuries-old tradition in coffee cultivation, make possible the production of the finest coffees in Brazil.
The connection between Sítio da Torre and coffee begins in the 19th century, when Antonio Coli migrated from Italy to Brazil in looking for a better life, planting his first coffee trees, the lands passed from parents to children until they reach us (4th generation).
The predominant varieties we have are: Yellow Bourbon, Red Bourbon, Yellow Catucai, Yellow Catuai and Acaia.
We are certified “Certifica Minas” and affiliated to BSCA.
Sítio da Torre family has won the COE, 29 times, in the 20 concourses held in Brazil until 2019, in addition to winning several other quality concourses for specialty coffees.
We produce around 1,500 bags of coffee annually in an area of 46 hectares, with the total area of the property being 65 hectares. The coffee is harvested by hand, washed/peeled on the same day, or dried naturally, spread on the drying patio, always with identified and tracked lots. All coffee, after being processed, is deposited at Cocarive warehouse.
In 2019, we acquired a 30-hectare site, which has an interesting history: in 1985, my father, Paulo Coli, needed to sell 30 hectares of land, part of Sítio da Torre, as he had seven children to raise and the family was in a difficult financial situation. Now in 2019, after 34 years, we acquired this same piece of land, which is once again part of the Sitio da Torre Family, and in honor of our dear father (in memorian) we named this piece of land as Sítio Paulo Coli, Sítio da Torre has 95 hectares.
We are the fourth generation of a family group that has always worked with coffee. Since 2002, we have focused on producing specialty coffees, always preserving the environment, as we are sure that the integration between man and the environment provides us with sustainable coffee growing.
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