Certifications | CERTIFICA MINAS / S+ |
Município | CARMO DE MINAS |
Total Area | 174 HA |
Area with Coffee | 40 HA |
Average Altitude | 1200 M |
Number of Bags | 6 |
Varieties | CATUAI AMARELO |
Storage Location | COCARIVE |
Preparation Method | NATURAL |
Screen Size | 16 UP   |
Type | 2/3 |
Altitude | 1200  M |
Score (SCAA Standard) | 86 |
The Fazenda Serra das Três Barras farm arose from the division of the bicentennial “Fazenda das Três Barras,” traditionally devoted to the production of coffees of extremely fine quality. The area where the coffee was produced today belongs to producer José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira, and makes up a familial group, together with his three sons (Kleber, Ralph and Herbert de Castro Junqueira), and his wife Margarida Maria de Castro Junqueira. The family has a cultivated are of 160 hectares of coffee, of several varieties, spread over six properties belonging to the group, which has the renowned “Fazenda Serra das Três Barras” as its headquarters, where all of the coffees produced are processed and prepared, with an annual production of around 3500 processed bags. The family’s coffee trees are cultivated in fertile soils, with elevations varying from 1100 to 1450 meters, in relief typical of Serra da Mantiqueira, amenable temperature during the entire year and annual rainfall varying from 1700 to 2200 mm, with well-defined seasons. Seeking to develop coffee production, its main activity, always in constant harmony with nature, the José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira’s family searches for all means to vigorously preserve the areas of natural forest and the many springs existing on its properties. Living almost exclusively from rural activity for eight generations, Fazenda Serra das Três Barras today relies on the collaboration of eight direct employees and their families and, further, on the service of another thirty workers during the times of harvest, when the demand for labor is higher. Coffee processing system: The coffees are picked by hand at the most favorable and propitious moments in appropriate cloths, for them to avoid contact with the ground. They are transported on the same day to the drying patio, and, if necessary, are taken to the rotating dryer to complete drying. After that, they are deposited in rest boxes to rest for a period of 30 to 60 days. After being processed, the coffees are remitted to COCARIVE’s warehouses, where they are analyzedand prepared according to market demands. Concern about quality: Seeking quality in the coffees produced, without, however, dispensing with productivity, we rely upon the highly technical assistance disseminated by COCARIVE in important partnership with EMATER-MG. Fazenda Serra das Três Barras is certified by the Minas Gerais State Coffee Certification Program, “Certifica Minas.” As a result of the acknowledgement of this incessant search for quality, the family hasthus far won the following awards: - Ralph de Castro Junqueira “Farm Kaquend” - Finalist do 4th “CupOfExcellence”, edition 2002. - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – Finalist of 4th “CupOfExcellence”, edition 2002. - Kleber de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Araucária” – Finalist of 5th “CupOfExcellence”, edition 2003. - Ralph de Castro Junqueira “Farm Kaquend” – Champion of 9th “CupOfExcellence”, 2008 edition. - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – 3th placed (Presidential Award) of 11th “CupOfExcellence”, edition 2010 . - Kleber de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Araucária” – Finalist of 12th “CupOfExcellence”, edition 2011. - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – 3th placed (Presidential Award) of 1th “CupOfExcellence Natural Late Harvest”, edition 2011 . - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – 8 th placed of 2th “CupOfExcellence Natural Late Harvest”, edition 2012. - Kleber de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Araucária” – 3th placed (Presidential Award) of 1th “CupOfExcellence Natural Late Harvest”, edition 2011. - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – 3th placed “CupOfExcellenceEarlyHaverst ”, edition 2013. PRÊMIO BRASIL DE QUALIDADE ILLY PARA “ESPRESSO” - Ralph de Castro Junqueira “Farm Kaquend” – Finalist of 15th Award and of 21th Award. - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – Finalist of 16th and 18th Awards. - Herbert de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Velho” – Finalist of 17th Awards. - Kleber de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Araucária” – Finalist of 20th Awards. CONCURSOS DE QUALIDADE CAFÉS DE MINAS – EMATER/MG - José Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira “Farm Serra das Três Barras” – Finalist of 2th Competition (edition 2005), Finalist of 7th Competition (edition 2010) Champion of 8th Competition (edition 2011). - Ralph de Castro Junqueira “Farm Kaquend” – Finalist of 3th Competition (edition 2006), Champion of 4th Competition (edition 2007), Runner up of 6th Competition (edition 2009), Champion of 7th Competition (2010, edition) Finalist of 8th Competition (edition 2011) - Champion of 3th Competition region Mantiqueira de Minas - Kleber de Castro Junqueira “Sítio Araucária” – Finalist of 7th Competition (edition 2010).
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